Protecting a token or NFT

Protecting an asset on Harpie in 60 seconds.

Getting Started

Protecting a token or NFT on Harpie ensures that your assets are protected from scams, hacks and theft.

First, make sure that you have created an account. If you have not already, visit to get started.

Enter your dashboard

On click "Enter App" to be redirected to your dashboard. If you haven't connected a wallet or created an account, you will be prompted to do so at this time.

Make sure that you are on the correct network! A wallet address will have a unique dashboard for each network.

Choose the asset to protect

On your dashboard, you will see all of your connected wallet's assets. If you do not see all of your assets, click "Import assets" or "Refresh list" to add it to our database.

Click "Protect" on the token or NFT you'd like to protect. At this time, we only support ERC721s. Do you want ERC1155 support? Request it here.

Approve Harpie's smart contract

A popup should appear on your Metamask. You will be asked to give Harpie permission to access your assets. Clicking "Confirm" on this transaction will allow us to move your protected asset out of your wallet in the event of an attack. Harpie's smart contracts have been audited and are completely non-custodial.

Review and verify your Trusted Network

Verify that your asset's status now says "Protected". Check that your Trusted Network includes only the apps and friends you trust.

Last updated